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your digital community

Hashtag locals

Transforming local communities by using technology to help people connect, work together, and get involved in their neighborhoods more than ever before.

Discover Your Locality with Hashtag Locals

Discover your community with Hashtag Locals - connect, explore, and engage locally! Download the app for free now.

Hashtag locals logo

your digital community

Hashtag locals

Transforming local communities by using technology to help people connect, work together, and get involved in their neighborhoods more than ever before.

Hashtag locals logo

Product Manager, Germany

Rounak Maheshwari

💡 The visionary behind Hashtag Locals, pioneering innovative strategies for community empowerment. Product Manager based in Germany.

Hashtag locals logo

Product Manager, Germany

Rounak Maheshwari

💡 The visionary behind Hashtag Locals, pioneering innovative strategies for community empowerment. Product Manager based in Germany.